Annie Tooley

Annie Tooley

Human resources and payroll

Starting over in a new industry takes courage, but courage is what made Annie good at her job.

Annie was working in the medical field, but she got burned out on the anonymity of corporate culture. When she heard Rino was looking for help, she leaped at the chance to join their team. “I’m so grateful to be here,” she said. “I came in green, with no experience whatsoever, and that didn’t seem to cause any issues for them.” 

Over time, Annie proved that Rino's bet on her was a very good one. Her hunger to learn propelled her from being a rookie to being someone whose whole team depended on her.

She loved being there for people and growing the HR and safety programs. She also found Rino refreshing because she could be herself. “We’re very professional, and we love the work. But it’s nice not to have to filter yourself every time you walk through the door," Annie said.

Her advice for women who might be interested in construction? “Don’t be afraid! You don’t have to fit a certain mold.”

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